by diviadmin | Mar 30, 2020 | News
Why do we have chocolate eggs at Easter and hide hard boiled eggs for children to find? What’s a bunny got to do with Easter? There is some evidence to show that Easter eggs originated from Medieval Europe and Christians may not have actually been the ones to start...
by diviadmin | Mar 30, 2020 | News
There is a repair revolution gathering pace in Buckinghamshire and the County Council is encouraging people to take part in the county’s Repair Cafés – and maybe even start one themselves in their local area. Repair Cafés are free meeting places where people...
by Wendy | Mar 27, 2020 | News
Over 200 people attended Molly’s Community Café in Steeple Claydon on Saturday to celebrate its opening. Following a successful fundraising campaign and conversion of the old newsagents into a café, the café is now open, run by volunteers under the guidance of...
by diviadmin | Mar 3, 2020 | Letter from the Vicar
Dear Friends The month of March was originally the first month of the year in older versions of the Roman calendar because of its association with the first day of spring. According to Royal Museums Greenwich, the 2020 spring equinox occurs on 20th March at 3.49am...